Spring Quarter Classes

At UCLA, we have the first two weeks of the quarter to change class times, sections or perhaps classes in general. Now that we are well into third week, schedules are finalized. This quarter I am taking four classes. 1)      Phy Sci: Continuation of the core series for my major. This is the last class…

Physiology of Nutrition

  This quarter I am taking my first upper division elective class for my major. The elective courses are pretty neat since they focus on a specific topic. My class is titled “Physiology of Nutrition.” It is quickly becoming one of my favorite classes I have taken at UCLA. The topic applies directly to day…

My Classes

WOW! I can’t believe I have already taken my first midterm of the quarter, and next week will be the half-way point. Boy, is time flying. And it’s February?? Hard to tell with all this wonderful sunshine! With that said, I thought I would tell you a little bit about the classes I am taking….

Schedule Planning

Decisions. Decisions. As soon as the schedule for winter quarter classes comes out, deciding what to take and when to take a class becomes a seemingly cumbersome process. I thought, this shouldn’t take me long, I’m a third year now, shouldn’t I have limited options of what classes to take? Wrong. In fact, even now…

Thanksgiving Break

  After making it through lab until five on Wednesday, I ventured ten miles across town to my mother’s house. This was my first year not driving to Northern California, so the significantly shorter drive was fantastic. Of course, being in Los Angeles, I decided to go on a flash card making binge after lab…

Open Gym Antics

Three-day weekends at UCLA are very contradictory. On one hand, campus seems incredibly empty while several events still seem to be taking place! I had friends who took ski trips, beach trips and even retreats with their school clubs. I kept pretty busy with athletic events on Friday and Saturday, and open lab re-scheduled for…

A glimpse into Phy Sci 107

Last spring, I successfully completed all my science lower division course work. This means, this fall I began taking classes that were specific for my major, physiological science, instead of just life science core classes. There are about nine life science majors which all have the same pre-requisite classes. Most students take the first two…

Summer in Spain (and Morocco)

Half-way through the first full week of the quarter! I am starting my first science upper divisions, and not to brag or anything, but I got to look at human brains during lab today! But first, a little bit about me, since this is my first entry… My name is Gina and I am a…